Orthodontic Problems and Orthodontic Emergencies
Orthodontic problems can occur from time to time and we thought our Omaha, Elkhorn and Fremont patients should know what to do if they are experiencing discomfort from their braces. If you have questions please call or text our office at (402) 392-1516 for further advice on how to handle your specific circumstance.
Below are some common
Orthodontic Problems that can occur and how to fix them yourself temporarily until you can get in to see us.
When you get your braces on, you may feel general soreness in your mouth, and teeth may be tender to biting pressures for three to five days.
The lips, cheeks and tongue may become irritated for one to two weeks as they learn a new posture and become accustomed to the surface of the braces.
You can put wax on the braces to lessen this.
Poking Wire
Sometimes a wire pulls loose a little, but not completely out of the bracket. You can use your finger to push it back into place.
If the wire is completely out of the bracket, try to curve the wire into a position where it’s resting against your gums or teeth. You can use tweezers or the eraser-end of a pencil to nudge the wire into a position where it isn’t bothering you.
You can place wax over the wire or trim the wire using a sharp tool like a clean set of cuticle cutters.
Loose Bracket or Band
Brackets are the individual brace that is placed on a tooth. Should a bracket fall off, please place the bracket in a small bag and call or text our office to set up an appointment.
If your bracket or band is still attached to the wire, you should leave it in place and put wax on it if needed for comfort. If the bracket or band can be removed easily, place it in a baggy or envelope and save it to bring to your next appointment.
**Broken Bracket Front and Broken Bracket Back videos**
Loose Appliance
Try to put the loose appliance back into place and/or place ortho wax on any parts that are poking you.
Lost Separator
Separators are often used to open a space between your teeth so that bands can be placed on molar teeth. The separators are usually only in place for 7-14 days before they are removed and replaced with bands.
It’s not unusual for the separators to become loose and fall out. Don’t worry about losing one but please call our office to see if it needs to be replaced.
Invisalign Attachment Falls Off
Attachments are used in Invisalign treatment to help the tray fit your teeth and help move your teeth throughout treatment.
If an attachment is displaced or broken, the tooth does not move in the tray effectively, which may prolong treatment. Call or text us as soon as possible to schedule an appointment to get it repaired.
Orthodontic Emergencies requiring immediate attention are very rare but we do have a dedicated emergency line for our patients should a major dental emergency involving orthodontic appliances arise. Some examples of major orthodontic emergencies that could require immediate attention would be traumatic incidence causing orthodontic appliances to become embedded in soft tissue or an avulsed or knocked out tooth that is attached to orthodontic appliances.
If a major emergency occurs, please call our emergency line at 402-392-1516.
Learn about the treatment options for you or your child. We offer many benefits, including:
Free Observation Program Starting at Age 7
This allows Dr. McAllister to monitor your child's growth and development to get them started in treatment at the appropriate time to avoid unnecessary treatment later in life.
Individualized Treatment Plans
Dr. McAllister will complete a comprehensive exam and go over an individualized treatment plan during your initial consultation.
Interest Free Payment Plans
Provide your dental insurance information and we'll contact your provider to see what kind of orthodontic coverage your plan offers. We also offer interest free payment plans.